Our world is being shaken, there is no doubt. We have seen natural disasters, bushfires, the Coronavirus pandemic, and now recently protests, riots and injustice. Some of these things are quite out of our control. How do we, as Christians, deal with these things. I have heard it said, it is not the things that happen to us that test us, so much as how we respond to them. When we see injustice, it is right to see it and call it, and do something about it. Jesus did this as he walked this earth. He exposed injustice, and time and again, he lifted people up and helped them and others to see their dignity and worth. Sometimes it is right to get angry over issues – but then we are left with a decision to make – how do I respond? The Bible says, “be angry and sin not. Don‟t let the sun go down on your anger, and don‟t make room for the devil”. Anger can cloud our judgement and cause us to react in destructive ways that can create more problems, and not deal with the real issues. In these challeng-ing times, I am sure we have become a bit frustrated and angry at the things going on around us. But that is not a reason to take it out on the people around us. Whether it is in our own homes, or whether we feel strongly about the things going on around us – the racial tensions, the riots and unrest in America – these things can produce very large emotions within us. But there is one thing we can do to help alleviate those feelings of anger and frustration. We can pray. We can look to our Heavenly Father and see the example that Jesus set for us. We can take time to pray for all people – both sides of the argument. We can pray for those in leadership and ask for wisdom and direction for them that we may live in peace and safety, and live quiet lives in godliness and holiness. (1 Timothy 2:2) We can lead by example, offering love, compassion and forgiveness to others. We can be compassionate, kind, and look for ways to live God‟s righteousness and show his mercy. (Micah 6:8). There may be times we need to speak up. I pray that then we will speak in the wisdom, truth and love of God‟s word, and not out of our own opinions or mis-guided theology.

I pray that you will have a great week ahead. As things are getting back to a bit more “normal” we are loving opportunities to get together in small groups. I encourage you to keep in touch. If you are feeling disconnected, please remember there are people who love and care about you. Let us know how you are doing. Our church community is so much wider than just our Sunday service, and there will be someone who can reach out, visit with you, give you a call and encourage you, and we can point you to a small group that you might like to attend at least until our meetings go back to normal. If you would like to attend the Sunday Service, please contact us, as numbers are still restricted.

Blessings as always,


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