sunday services
This was our Sunday morning service on 22nd December. Lynn Fowler preaching.
This was our Sunday morning service on 15th December. Our Christmas family celebration with David and Rosanna Palmer.
Our Sunday morning service for 1st December.
This was our Sunday morning service on 3rd November. Pastor Steve preaching.
This was our Sunday morning service on 27th October. Slightly different angle today as we were experimenting.
This was our Sunday morning service on 20th October, the last day of our 50th Anniversary celebrations. Pastor John Leak preaching.
This was our Sunday morning service on 13th October. I’m sorry the last 6 minutes got cut off – the video stopped recording, and so it posted as a separate segment and I can’t get that last bit to download.
This was our Sunday morning service on 6th October.
This was our Sunday morning service on 29th September. Great to see the young people getting fully involved.
Our service on Sunday 22nd September. Lynn Fowler preaching.