We have been talking a bit about attitudes lately. Interesting how our real
heart attitudes come out when we are stressed, anxious and under
pressure. I know these are difficult times, and each day is filled with
uncertainty and often with bad news of further restrictions, illness and
sometimes death. It can be depressing. But let‟s remember that God is for
us. He is our Great encourager, and our refuge.
When David was under great pressure, the Bible says, “he encouraged
himself in the Lord.” (1 Samuel 30:6) David had been out fighting wars and
generally doing warrior kingly things, when he and his men came home to
Ziklag, discovering the women and children, including his own had been
carried off by the Amalekites. Everyone, including David, was distressed.
The men were weeping and wailing and threatening to stone David. But
David went to God with the problem. He asked God what to do, and God
encouraged him, giving him a strategy for recovering all that had been
stolen from him. The adventures of David make great reading – but more
than that, I find it really encouraging to see how, even though he made many
mistakes, and though life was not always fair, he always came back to God –
even when he had sinned, and even when his friends betrayed him, and
even when people let him down. The one constant in his life was the Lord.
This is reflected in so many of the Psalms, (Psalm 31 and 71 for example).
David says, “In you O Lord do I put my trust”. This has to be our “go to”
When things are challenging, difficult, or seemingly out of our control, we
can take refuge in our God, and be strengthened by His word, and encouraged
by His presence. How about reading a Psalm a day through August –
just for fun – and for encouragement.
Be blessed,
With love from Glenda
Prayer Points
This week, please pray for those who are ill and those who are in nursing homes, unable
to have visitors at the moment.
We must also continue to uphold our Premier and Prime Minister as they continue to lead
our nation through this pandemic.
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