I am really loving just chewing over Romans 8. This chapter is so full of wonderful truths. We are no longer condemned, but free from the power of sin over our lives. We can now be controlled by the Holy Spirit working in us because through Jesus we have been made right with God. We are no longer fearful slaves, but faithful sons because we have been adopted into His family. We get to look forward to future glory with hope and expectation. We can rejoice because God causes all things to work together for good for those who love him and are called according to His purpose. And oh, there is so much more!

This week’s message will be based on verses 31-39. We know that God is for us. We have been given right standing with God, and the devil can no longer accuse us, for Jesus died, and rose again for us – and now intercedes for us at God’s right hand. And best of all, we can be assured that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God. Please take time to re-read this wonderful chapter and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His revelation as you ponder over each verse.

I do hope everyone is still doing well. We are all now looking forward to restrictions being eased. For the time being, we will still be holding Church online, going live each Sunday. We will slowly open up the service, but we still want to keep everyone safe and well, and do not want to rush things. We are holding prayer meeting on Wednesday morning, and some small groups are getting together, following the appropriate protocols. If you want to attend any of these meetings, please contact the host, and find out if your particular event is running. Numbers will be limited.

Anyway, keep up the amazing work. Stories of encouragement and answered prayer are flowing through. If you are struggling in any way, please contact us, and we will be sure to get back to you.

God bless you and keep you.

Love to you all,
Glenda & Joe.

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Hello church family

I‟m aware there are people doing it tough out there. We seem to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel as restrictions are so cautiously loosened. We can have a small number of visitors in our home. We can get out a bit more for shopping and exercise. But I know first-hand that not everyone is doing as well as they would like. Living in close quar-ters with people for such an extended time is paying its toll on us. (Love you, honey). I think the original fear of catching a rampant disease has given way to simply coping with those whom we have spent the majority of our time over the last couple of months. For some of us, the “getting back to normal” is just as scary as coping with life in isolation. Please, if you are doing it tough, if you‟re feeling low, angry or irritable, don‟t take it out on those around you – call someone. Talk about it. Do something about it. Keep in touch with family and friends. Be kind to your spouse and children.

Firstly, remember it is “not the test that is the test, but how we respond to the test that‟s the test”. Our attitude goes a long way as to how we cope with any situation. As Christ follow-ers, I think we have so much to be able to tap into. We need to remember that “greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world.” And as we have been studying in Romans 8, we know that we are never alone, never abandoned, and never powerless. We have security, hope and love in the Lord. We need to get back into good habits, like getting up at our usual time, eating regular meals and getting some exercise. And don‟t forget that part of our regular routine should be starting our day with time in God‟s presence, taking in the word and having our morning talk with Jesus. If we take care of our spirit, and focus our eyes on Jesus for the day, our mental health, emotional health and well-being will follow.

Try not to lose your sense of humour. Remember, “A merry heart is as good as medicine.” (Prov 17:22) Sure, we need to not get complacent with hygiene and social isola-tion and keeping safe. But let‟s not allow ourselves to become depressed and despairing over this situation. Remember there are friends and family who love you. I encourage you to call someone if you are feeling lost or down or anxious. Very often, just talking with someone can lift off the cloud. There are so many things to do to stay grounded and feel connected. One of my favourite “escapes” is the “Holderness Family”. Penn and Kim Hold-erness are an American couple who have found that the best way to cope with life is to see the funny side, even in challenging times. Find a way to “blow off steam”. Go for a walk or turn up the music and dance like a crazy person. Share your stories. Have a laugh. Phone a friend. What ideas do you have for coping? What are your stories? Do you have a humor-ous story to share? Send it in an email and we will include it in next week‟s newsletter.

The Holderness Family You Tube

Focus on the Family Australia

You Version Bible App – many great Scripture plans to follow.

Pastor Glenda

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Our live streamed service for Mothers Day.

Wishing all our mums a wonderful and happy Mother‟s Day. There’s no doubt this year will feel different to any other. This year has been a challenge in so many ways to so many people. I pray that this year, it will be a time when you can reflect on the amazing person you are – the Masterpiece that God has made when He supervised your creation even from the time you were in your mother‟s womb. This reminds me that just as God was there when I was formed, he is still very much concerned and involved with my life. “In him I live and move and have my being.” My whole life is completely reliant on Him. He has made me who I am, He knows how I think and how I function. This is how I can cast all my care on Him. This is how I can know that He will provide for me. This is how I can be joyful and be thankful. This season has taught me that I can trust in and depend upon my Creator with every area of my life.I can allow His word to continue renewing my mind as I submit my thoughts to its creative power. My emotions – I can cast all my care on Him and know that he will comfort me. I can trust him with my body. His will is for me is to be in health and to prosper as my soul prospers. I do not need to be afraid or anxious, because he cares for me.

Let me leave you Mothers with a few thoughts from Proverbs 31. Let these words affirm who you are, and how God see you. If you do not particularly feel any of these affirmations, I encourage you to receive them as prophetic word over your life today.
You are more precious than rubies.
God trusts you to enrich the lives of those in your family and those around you.
You bring good and not harm to those around you
You are productive and creative
You are strong and brave and can take risks
You are not afraid of the future
You are spoken well of by those who know you
You have strength and dignity
You are wise, and give instruction with wisdom and kindness
You are not lazy
You are to be honoured by your husband and children (for those who do not have a husband, please know, we honour you, and Jesus loves and honours you).
You hold the Lord in Holy Awe and respect His words over your life.
May God bless you and keep you in His love and care.
Kindest regards,

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Lynn Fowler’s Armchair Chat on Wednesday 6th May 2020

Hello everyone. It seems that there is better news coming for us as we slowly emerge from social restrictions and lockdowns. I am thinking about you all a lot, and truly can’t wait to see you all again.

I have been thinking about what the Lord is saying to us as New Life community. And I believe that this week, he is reminding us that he is caring for us. Jesus said not to worry about food, clothes or money. He said, even as the Heavenly Father looks after the birds of the air and the wild animals, he will also look after his own children. This word worry speaks about a preoccupation with things that cause anxiety, stress and pressure. Here Jesus is reminding us that our Heavenly Father is ever mindful of our daily needs. Jesus teaches us in the prayer he taught his disciples to pray, “give us this day our daily bread”. Jesus wants us to trust him for all our daily needs – material needs, emotional well-being, mental health and spiritual needs. He urges us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”. (NIV)

Let’s keep in mind what Jesus has been speaking to us about right from the beginning of the year – to keep our eyes on him. To trust him, to rest in him, and find our joy and peace in Him. Let us keep being kingdom minded, and the peace and joy that emanates from that place will be yours.

I invite you to call or contact us on any of the numbers on this newsletter if you are struggling in any way. We are here to help and would love to hear from you. In fact, I encourage you to drop us an email, or a text message – or pop onto our Facebook page and leave a message there. Say Hi and let us know how you are going at this time. If possible, even upload a photo so we can see your face and what you’ve been up to. It’s fun to share!!

We are praying and talking and seeking God about how we will make the transition as we move forward after the virus has passed and things go back to some kind of normal. I am hoping that many things will have changed. I hope we appreciate one another more. I hope we are not so materially minded. I hope we have a greater desire for meeting together, and that we won’t take family and friends for granted. I hope we have a greater passion for sharing the love of Jesus with others and seeing the kingdom of Jesus manifesting here on earth.

Have a great week, and may the peace of God and joy, strength and power of the Holy Spirit be yours.

Pastor Glenda

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