This was our Sunday morning service on 29th September. Great to see the young people getting fully involved.

Here’s our Sunday service from 15th September, Pastor Glenda preaching.

Here is our Sunday morning service from 8th September, with Pastor Steve preaching.

Grand Final
There are two important things to note about September in Victoria— it is the first month of Spring — and it is Grand Final time!! Even if you do not play the game yourself, most of us have a team we follow – we dress up in their colours and cheer them on and try to watch the games as they move up the ladder to the semi-finals and on towards victory – and the winning team taking home the treasured silver cup.
Hebrews 12:1 speaks of “a great cloud of witnesses” who are there, cheering us on our way. They are those who have gone before us, many facing dangers, persecution and even death for their faith in Christ. They are encouraging us to “strip off every weight that slows us down”, and to “run the race God set before us with endurance.” We are heading for the last days, the “Grand Final” if you will. This is not the time to get discouraged or fall away. It is the time to encourage one another, to accept the discipline of the Lord, and allow the Holy Spirit to train us up, ready to bring our “A” game. There is much more at stake than just a medal or a cup, for there is a promise to every believer, “to the one who overcomes.” This is not an individual event, but a team effort, as it says in Hebrews 12:14-15. We are to live in peace with one another, working at living a holy life. We are asked to look after one another, so that no one fails to receive the grace of God. This is a lifestyle of self-discipline and commitment. It is allowing others to speak into our lives – not being critical or judgemental but encouraging and urging each other on towards the finish line.

So let us keep moving forward together – listening for the distant voices of the apostles as they cheer us on through the pages of God’s word – and through encouraging one another, and through the coaching, instruction and discipline of the Holy Spirit working with us, to bring us to holiness and godliness. . Let us run the race with perseverance, with discipline, and keep our eyes on the prize – Jesus, our champion, the author and finisher of our faith. I want to be there “when the final siren sounds”.

Pastor Glenda

Download the September Newsletter

Our Sunday morning service for 1st September, complete with some Fathers’ Day fun and nonsense.

This was our Sunday morning service on 4th August 2019. A great morning as six people went through the waters of baptism.